Sunday, September 26, 2021

Dooyeweerd's warning against fascism and communism


It is with ardent conviction that I acceded to the request of the board of A.R.J.A. to draw attention to the work of the Young Antirevolutionary Study Clubs.

There still is far too little awareness among us that our whole movement is caught up in the crucible of our great and anxious times which will reduce to ashes everything that does not survive that fiery trial.

There is also too little awareness among us that a task greater than ever before is waiting for us in the service of our King Christ Jesus to propagate our principles with deepened knowledge and true inspiration in a world where the spirit of darkness is at work.

It is alarming to see how in our own circles many young people and even older folk are swept along by fascist and communist currents, how many are spiritually uprooted and become an easy prey to the radical and demonic powers which since the world war have been threatening Europe with spiritual dissolution.

In the name of our God we must adjure our young people: 

Arm yourself with the full armour of faith and prayer, and deepen your knowledge for the political struggle that awaits you!

Do not think – for God’s sake, do not think for a moment – that we can just continue to live off the strengths that we have amassed in the past. Let the terror of the Lord enter our souls as we face the mighty signs of the times!

Young people! Remember your calling before it is too late.

Your place is with the young guard of study clubs who have realized that a spiritual standstill will mean our spiritual demise.

In our day, when such tremendously complicated questions are disturbing mankind, the intellectual equipment of those who went before you no longer suffices.

The propaganda of unbelief, the spirit of revolution – they are today armed with weapons that are extremely dangerous to all who do not know their effect and are not familiar with their toxic subtleties.

Against these only prayer avails, and a faith which glows with zeal for the cause of the Lord, but which will then irresistibly drive you on to whet the weapons with which you will soon wage the warfare of your principles.

H. Dooyeweerd  

column in De Standaard  

Tues, 29 Nov. 1932  

[4 months before Hitler’s coup] 

Translated by Harry van Dyke 

Monday, April 12, 2021

The Laymen's Lounge

Jason Estopinal is posting some great stuff over at his website The Laymen's Lounge.

As part of a series on "You should know about ..." the most recent is an excellent introduction to Herman Dooyeweerd by Steve Bishop and Gregory Baus.

Steve Bishop has also contributed another on Dirk Vollenhoven and one on Neo-Calvinism.

I have even got in on the act with a piece on sphere sovereignty.

So dig in and enjoy.